Torta tal-Lewż (Frangipane Tart)

Maltese, Italian or British? This delightful tart is present in all the three countries tradition and it is known respectively as Torta tal-Lewż, Crostata Frangipane and Bakewell Tart.

This cake is friable tart filled with a delicious almond paste sitting onto a layer of strawberry jam.

This is my version of the recipe which in Malta is traditionally prepared and served for Easter.

  • DifficultyEasy
  • CostMedium
  • Preparation time15 Minutes
  • Rest time2 Hours
  • Cooking time45 Minutes
  • Servingserves 6 people
  • Cooking methodOven
  • CuisineItalian


For the pastry

400 g white spelt flour (or type 0 flour)
180 g butter (or 125ml cold pressed sunflower oil)
170 g icing sugar
2 eggs
1 lemon zest
1 pinch table salt

For the almond paste filling

300 g ground almonds
180 g icing sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon almond essence
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 jar strawberry jam

For the topping

q.s. almond flakes
q.s. icing sugar


– bring the butter to room temperature, then cut it in cubes;

– sift the flour into a large bowl;

– sift the icing sugar and the baking soda onto the flour and mix well;

– add the butter, the eggs, the pinch of salt and the lemon zest;

– knead well till with your hands till you get a dough (try to work the ingredient as quick as you can can);

– wrap the dough in some cling film and keep refrigerated for at least 2 hours;

– take a separate bowl where you will mix together all the ingredients for the filling (except for the jam);

– work the short pastry with a rolling pin to form a disc with a diameter of 28 centimeters and a half centimeters thickness;

– grease a 24cm baking tray for tarts and fold it with the pastry;

– remove any eventual excess of pastry from the edges;

– spread the jam on the bottom of the pastry;

– pour the filling (make sure the mixture reaches 1 cm below the edge) and decorate the edges with the almond flakes;

–  bake at 170 degrees on the lower part of your oven for about 45 minutes or till golden;

– remove the cake form the oven and allow it to cool down onto a  wire cooling rack;

– once cool, remove the cake from the mold and sprinkle with some icing sugar;

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