
Pandoro is the most traditional Italian Christmas “cake” together with Panettone.

Pandoro is really soft and aromatic with its scent of vanilla and citrus. It is perfect when served topped with some mascarpone cream, or even chocolate or pistachio cream.

Typically, Italy is split into two factions: the Pandoro’s lovers and the Panettone’s ones.

I love them both and I always make sure to eat them both for Christmas! 🙂

  • DifficultyMedium
  • CostCheap
  • Preparation time1 Day
  • Rest time1 Day
  • Cooking time50 Minutes
  • Servingmakes 1 pandoro
  • Cooking methodOven
  • CuisineItalian
  • SeasonalityWinter


For the yeast starter (biga)

60 g flour (W 350)
30 ml lukewarm water
3 g yeast

For the first dough

150 g flour (W 350)
45 g sugar (I used light muscovado sugar)
5 g yeast
2 eggs

For the second dough

230 g flour (W 350)
130 g sugar (I used light muscovado sugar)
150 g butter (room temperature)
50 ml milk
5 g table salt
2 eggs
2 yolks

For the flavor

30 ml honey (multiflora)
2 vanilla bean
1 lemon zest
1 orange zest


1 Mold Pandoro mold in anodized aluminum, without welding points.


For the yeast starter (biga)

– in a bowl, pour the flour, water and crumbled yeast;

– mix with a spoon and work the ingredients quickly with a fork or with your hands without kneading, to obtain a coarse and non-homogeneous mixture;

– cover the mixture with plastic wrap and let it rise for 8 hours at room temperature.

For the first dough

– pour the biga into the bowl of a planetary mixer equipped with hook, then add the flour and the sugar;

– add the crumbled yeast and the lightly beaten eggs at room temperature, then activate the planetary mixer and let it work for about 10 minutes until you obtain a smooth and well-strung dough;

– transfer the dough onto a surface and give it a couple of folds-and-roll in order to obtain a spherical shape;

– transfer it into a large and tall bowl. Cover with cling film, and let it rise for 2 hours at room temperature, or in the switched off oven with the light on: the dough should double in size, (the times are indicative). After this time, transfer the dough, which will have already grown, to the refrigerator for another 14 hours.

– meanwhile, pour the honey into a small bowl and add the grated lemon and orange zest, the pulp of two vanilla pods and mix well;

– cover with cling film and store at room temperature until use.

For the second dough

– pour the flour and sugar into the bowl of the planetary mixer, again equipped with the hook;

– add the milk and the 1st dough, then activate the planetary mixer at moderate speed. In the meantime, beat together the eggs and yolks and the butter, both at room temperature

– when the milk is completely absorbed, add them to the dough;

– when the eggs are well absorbed, add the flavored honey and the remaining ingredients;

– continue to knead the dough at medium-low speed until it will become smooth;

– grease a 1 kg pandoro mold;

– moisten your hands and transfer the dough onto a lightly buttered surface, then make a couple of slap and fold by lifting the dough and turning it over on itself;

– twist the dough and transfer it into the mold;

– let it rise at room temperature for 4-6 hours or until the dough has reached the edge of the mold

To bake the Pandoro

– bake the Pandoro in a pre-heated static oven at 170° for 55-60 minutes or until the surface is golden brown.

– To be sure that baking is perfect, you can check the temperature at the heart of the Pandoro with a kitchen thermometer, it must reach 92° to be cooked to the right point.

– Once baked, take the Pandoro out of the oven and let it cool for 30 minutes at room temperature. Then transfer it to a wire rack and let it cool completely.

– Once cold, remove it from its mold;

– before serving, sprinkle with icing sugar.

– You can keep the Pandoro, completely cold, in a plastic bag for food. Seal it with a metal clip to keep it from drying out.

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