Vegan Pink Pasta (Barbie’s movie inspired)

Right now there is a huge hype about Barbie’s movie at the cinema. All around the world the merchandising of the popular and iconic dolls is creating trends and ideas. Pink pasta is one of them.

For once, I decided to join the social media craze and I came up with this vegan version of the pink pasta.

Quick to make and ideal for hot summer lunches, I hope you will enjoy it 🙂

  • DifficultyVery easy
  • CostCheap
  • Preparation time10 Minutes
  • Cooking time10 Minutes
  • Servingserves 4 people
  • Cooking methodStove
  • CuisineInternational
  • SeasonalityEvergreen


500 g beetroots (steam cooked)
350 g penne pasta
250 g tofu
1 spoon extra virign olive oil
1 pinch table salt
1/2 lemon (juice only)
q.s. ground pepper
q.s. fresh mint or parsley


– chop the beetroot and the tofu into cubes, them put them into a blender;

– add the lemon juice, the oil and the salt, then blend everything together till you get a smooth sauce;

– meanwhile, cook the pasta in pot with abundant salted water;

– drain the pasta and transfer it into a large bowl;

– pour the pink sauce onto the pasta and mix well;

– serve topped with ground black pepper and some fresh mint or parsley;

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