Matcha & Vanilla Fermented Milk Sponge Cake

Matcha is an edible Japanese green tea powder. Its beneficial nutrients and anti oxidant properties are widely known even in Europe. It quickly came into food-fashion recently and you can find it in several recipes and preparations.

Personally, I always had a deep interest and love for Japanese culture and cuisine. Hence, I decide to experiment with matcha and bake this beautiful sponge cake.

The distinctive characteristic of this cake is its delicate taste, which is a delicate balance between a mild herbal-vegetable flavour and a citrus/acidic note.

The deep green color is obtained by the natural green pigments of the matcha. No artificial colorant.

You can serve it with a scoop of ice cream or simply accompanied by a nice cup of green Japanese tea.

This is a cake for those who love tea and especially the intense matcha flavour.

  • DifficultyEasy
  • CostMedium
  • Preparation time20 Minutes
  • Cooking time30 Minutes
  • Servingserves 6 people
  • Cooking methodOven
  • CuisineJapanese


  • 500 gvanilla fermented milk
  • 300 gdurum wheat flour (I used Russello variety)
  • 150 glight muscovado brown sugar
  • 100 mlsunflower oil (cold pressed)
  • 10 gmatcha powder
  • 4eggs
  • 1 pinchtable salt
  • 1 spoonorange blossom honey


  1. – separate the egg whites form the yolks in two distinct bowls;

    – add the sugar, the honey and the oil to the yolks, and whip until you get a frothy cream;

    – now add the fermented milk and mix well till it amalgamates with the egg cream;

    – take the bowl with the egg whites, add a pinch of salt and whip them until stiff;

    – take another large bowl and sift the flour and the matcha powder onto it, mix well to ensure that the matcha will mix well with the flour and to avoid lumps;

    – now pour the cream you made with the yolks and fermented milk onto the flours, and fold gently till you get a smooth green mixture;

    – now pour the whites and fold gently to incorporate them in the dough;

    – pour the obtained cake dough onto a greased squared baking tray of 22cm diameter;

    – bake at 165 degrees for about 30 minutes;

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