- DifficultyEasy
- CostMedium
- Preparation time20 Minutes
- Cooking time55 Minutes
- Serving
- CuisineItalian
- 200 gdark muscovado brown sugar
- 125 gwhite flour type 0 (I used Spelt)
- 100 ghazelnuts
- 100 gdark chocolate chips
- 75 mlsunflower oil (cold pressed)
- 50 gcorn starch
- 4eggs
- 1 cupunsweetened espresso
- 1 teaspoonground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoonbaking powder
- 1 pinchtable salt
– put the hazelnuts and a spoonful of sugar into a blender and grind everything together till a flour is obtained;
– take a clean large bowl and combine together the flour, baking powder, chocolate chips, ground cinnamon and the above obtained hazelnut flour;
– put the remaining sugar into a food processor together with the eggs and whisk for at least 10 minutes (eggs should at least triple their volume and make a a stiff cream);
– pour the egg’s cream onto the bowl with flour mix, and fold gently with a circular movement from the bottom to the top of the bowl;
– pour gently the oil and continue mixing with the same movement. Do the same thing with the cup of coffee;
– pour the obtained cake onto a greased baking tray (24cm diameter);
– bake at 165 degrees for about 55/60 minutes;
after baking is finalised, turn off the oven and leave its door semi open to allow the cake to cool down. Serve the cake only after it would have been completely cooled down in the oven